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Drifting & Intentional Purpose

Can’t Possibly Get Worse…!

You work overtime; your social life is non-existent. Things seems to be slipping away from you every pay period.

There was an era when people could work nominal jobs, get a house, a car and everything would be fine. You would even have resources – and time – to travel. This age seems to be fading away from us – fast…

Being comfortable can go on for years, especially if you are hiding much your problems behind passive entertainment and quick dopamine hits – of which there are plenty of day-to-day.

All your needs are met, and you could be living what is considered a successful life, but are you truly fulfilled? According to the World Gallop Poll, Canada ranks as the 13th Happiest place to live based off metrics which focus on social support, income, health, freedom, generosity, and absence of corruption. Now - to me - there’s questions in whether these metrics are even quantifiable, and it’s also taken from "approximately 1,000 people per country," this is hardly a standard to go by.

I’m willing to bet people are less satisfied than that.

The world is closing, commerce is squeezing, and squeezing... I fear for future generations that face an unbearable real estate market and investment in general. Time is readily given to people you do not know - or will ever meet - doing mindless tasks that they care little about, why would we want to give that precious time away? The ability to build legacies are being taken away from us. Or is it…?

It Has to Be, Not

The course in which we are heading can be corrected. Think of a ship at sea, it may be only slightly off course, but if you translate that error over a week of sailing, then it turns into an unmitigated disaster!

Let us be ahead of that unsavory calamity and start making changes now.

Most people look at success of others and compare it to where they are now. This may lead them to feel dejected and discouraged from pursuing a life outside what has been given to them, much like a toxic relationship: eventually, you just get used to the unpalatable situation and give into “fate.”

When it comes to total hours spent (that could be used toward greater endeavours) thousands of years are spent on passive entertainment every – single – day. Some 2,200 years zapped into the ether!

That’s just in Canada, ages 25-44 of the average measure spent on devices (which is really 4.4 hours a day, I based my calculations on lower averages of 2 hours). This may seem frenetic, but it’s just an example of some 11,000,000 people – well within the age group to make marked differences – squandering hours upon hours, without giving it another thought.

This is the way habits are, they can consume decades of our lives, in the individual sense, without us really perceiving it.

The Ideal Self

Today’s world offers that instant gratification, that quick hit. With a click of a button, you can get what you want and be very pleased without physically doing much at all. Let us pump the brakes a bit and think about what we really want.

Witnessing the changes we want to see in the world begins with us. People may not realize their potential is being held back by food, media and whom they invite into their world – they have given into that comfortable life. Step outside of comfort:

  • Look back proud of what you have accomplished

  • Know you have made a difference

  • You are growing

  • Your needs are met

  • You’ve got a little (to a lot) to spare.

Sure, self-improvement is one thing, but I’m considering the 1,000’s of years of combined effort, at our disposal - every day. We’re going to need every second should we hope to turn things around. Everything you need is right in front of you – or only a few calls away – we need only to tap into them.

There are many success stories yet to be had and you could easily be one of them.

The particular route I am currently taking is with writing and video (how boring, I know, another YouTuber? I have my reasons though). There is a growing market online with video. The base of these videos would be writing and planning. Drilling into your unique perspective and experience will be the key to standing out. People still need help, whether they are an expert or just beginning. Even if they have learned all the fundamentals, we still need to reacquaint ourselves with the basics all the time. Sure, there is plenty of videos out there, but you could still offer endless insights and solutions to problems – problems which will never go away.

Aside from becoming a creator, I’m wondering what we might do together to face the massive problems in the world, problems which we may be aware of yet intentionally avoid through escapism.

  1. REJUVENATE with strategic resting and recharging to not burn out

  2. ACTIVATE your body and its latent energy bundled up from lack of fitness

  3. NOURISH with clean macros and micros - whole foods are generally better than supplements

  4. IDEATE your contribution, you already spend most of the day thinking, share your thought and solutions which work for you!

  5. COLLABORATE. This is the highest tier in which I wish to take this program, working with others that have put in exceptional effort to improving themselves

The Time is Now

Hop right in, just start doing. Begin a note journal.

What is it that is on the top of your mind for most of your life? Expand upon that, while also not forgetting to challenge yourself.

2 Main Areas – 1 Great Source:

A. Take stock of your habits – which can be dropped to save time & money?

B. Start a journal – keep track of projects and resources.

Where is your energy going? Your money and moments are invaluable. Are they being invested in future growth, or is it being zapped away into that quick fix you so desire? Give this some serious thought. I would venture a gamble and say you already know – within your gut and conscience – the guilty pleasures you take when no one is looking. That’s okay, it just needs to be kept in deliberate check before that course goes way off the charts.

Journalists of yore kept an actual journal, stuffed with all the data they could find on a particular subject. They drew from that and crafted compelling stories. I would suggest you begin taking notes, brush up on your writing skills and get into storytelling.

Eventually, we will be distilling these notes into greater forms of copy and drafts which you can offer the world -- we'll try to establish the first steps in creating notes.

While there is benefits to physically writing things down (I would recommend doing as such, just so you don't have a dependency on the countless apps that come out), it is perfectly fine and likely easier to begin with the rudimentary note app on your phone.

Consider this method of taking notes. It’s one thing to jot down each thought that may tickle your burgeoning fancy, but it is important to keep track of those ideas and data so that they are usable and adding value to your life and endeavours. It is of no use to jot down only to for it to disappear into that bottomless memory hole.

What Intrigues You?

What areas are you finding difficult when it comes to making an impact in the world? All this requires planning; making it all work in our busy lives. Most information focuses on techniques and strategies, while neglecting life: cooking, cleaning, budgeting, working out, family, not burning out. I’m not suggesting you fly out of the gate and fizzle out immediately – I want you in it for the long run.

Let me know what you would like to explore.

To get this far, I needed to work on rest, nutrition, physical fitness and skill building. These skills include video editing, writing, filmography, workflow, and various others. We are swimming in information, there is no reason we ought not to live our best lives.



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